By Suzana Da Costa

ARIES (March 21-April 20)

Take advantage of your personal new moon on April 1 and the extra oomph from the sun in your sign until the 20th.  Prioritize your goals for the year and plan how you’ll achieve them.  Early in the month, you may feel the urge to rebel against authority. Resist the temptation by spending your energy on something that you can’t finish quickly.  You’ll find ways to push through obstacles and discover what it takes to work toward an important goal. 

In mid-month, pay attention to messages that come to you through dreams or meditation. It will allow you to access divine guidance and the deeper meaning of your life. Be careful not to let your trusting nature be taken for a ride, though. The full moon on the 16th could help you to reveal issues around control and manipulation, especially in personal relationships.

That divine guidance may be helpful in navigating the partial solar eclipse that will happen in your second house of income and money on the 30th.  Eclipses open the door to changing patterns in your life over months (not days), so consider time spent on new opportunities to make money in alignment with your personal destiny.

TAURUS (April 21-May 20)

As the month begins, be open to information that comes through dreams or other subtle means. There’s an opportunity to reconnect to the source that feeds your soul, and by listening, you learn how to stay in contact with a place that will help you navigate unexpected changes taking you out of your comfort zone.

By mid-month, your practical nature will serve you well when a wish materializes. If you can be flexible in your values and goals, you won’t be fooled if something proves to be too good to be true.   

At the end of the month, a partial solar eclipse in your sign will initiate a new direction. You’ll start painting a picture of how you’d like your life to unfold. Eclipses act over months (not days), so this will help you overcome your resistance to change.  True change takes time, and events that happen in our lives are only symptoms of deeper change that is happening within. If you can adapt, you will endure.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

Use the new moon at the start of the month to connect with a new social group.  Volunteer for a cause that is dear to you, or seek a way to participate in something that feels enriching. Putting your energy into something that gives you a return is a way to 

ensure that your mind machine doesn’t monopolize all the energy you have to spend.  When your ruling planet Mercury makes his way into Taurus mid-month, do connect with the deeper dimensions of life through dreams and symbols. It will give you a heads-up on big changes that have been brewing since 2020 and might tip you off to feeling stable without feeling stuck.  

If you think a digital detox is in order, mid-month is a good time for it. Without the veil of the digital dimension occupying your attention, your natural curiosity can tap into wisdom and vision for your career and professional goals. Practising this connection to your physical senses will help connect you to source energy, starting with the partial eclipse on the 30th, especially if you’ve been paying attention to the language of dreams and symbols.  The more you’re connected to your physical body, the more personal and meaningful that information will be.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

A new moon in the area that rules your career and professional goals lights up your chart at the beginning of the month.  If you wish to be more autonomous at work, consider this an opportunity to make that happen. You may have had the feeling of being “under the thumb” in the past few years. This new moon will probably help you release yourself from that feeling.  Whether you are actually being controlled by a manipulative person or someone with emotional power over you, what matters is how you respond to it. It takes two people to sustain a pattern in a relationship, and you can look to the full moon of April 16th to examine your own feelings as well as people you are in relationship with. 

A powerful moment for healing your system of belief is coming your way mid-month.  Expect a bump up in your optimism.

Business with friends, a new social group or new life goals could come to you during the partial solar eclipse in Taurus on the 30th. You’re sensitive to eclipses, and this one could be especially friendly to you. If you’ve felt stuck in the mud for a while, this could get your wheels rolling again.

LEO (July 23-August 22)

A new moon in your ninth house is inviting you to look beyond your neighborhood and consider a long-distance trip or a study program that is more than just a weekend retreat. You always want to organize information in a way that promotes and furthers knowledge. This is the house of higher beliefs and spirituality, so there may also be a nourishing refresh for you in this area.

Mid-month, you can tap into resources that don’t come directly from your efforts.  Royalties, sales commissions, insurance pay-outs are all possible sources of revenue that may come your way, but debt is the flip side to this concept, so your mind may be on acquiring a mortgage to finance a home. Try to keep your feet on the ground when working out any details that lead to long-term debt. Financial circumstances are in flux and the fog is thick around money that doesn’t belong to you.

The partial solar eclipse in Taurus on the 30th may help to clear uncertainty, but be cautious. This eclipse may bring changes in your career, finances and home. You’re sensitive to all eclipses, but solar eclipses can have more influence on you, and their effect can happen within six months of the eclipse date. 

VIRGO (August 23-September 21)

A new moon in your eighth house invites you to know yourself from the deepest, most intimate place. Investing yourself in this will help you in every area of your life, not only your mental health. The reason is that when energy is stuck in any previous experience, it’s not free to move on with new feelings or ideas. Because most of us aren’t good at (or unaware of) turning off that part of ourselves (the mind), our bodies often pay the price.  Consider this new moon your opportunity to dig up what’s underneath that thought. What came before that feeling? Connecting with how you embody those experiences is on the menu all month, and you can prepare to revisit your choices around those experiences in May.

Mid-month can bring deep healing to how you relate to others or to a significant partnership. If you don’t have a significant other, an aha moment can come to you in therapy that can unlock patterns which are inequitable or that put you in a position of lesser value.

If you’re spiritually inclined, the partial solar eclipse in Taurus on the 30th can herald changes to your world view and might open the door to higher education or long distance travel, opportunities to challenge your rational mind to go beyond what it knows and to embrace a bigger truth.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Use the new moon in Aries at the beginning of the month to forge a new path in your relationships and how you move in the world. Take the time to check in with what you sense is missing and don’t be afraid to ask for it. Fresh, new actions are essential to creating the balanced relationship you seek.

Your ruling planet, Venus, will be in Pisces starting April 6th and you’re invited to engage in activities that make your daily life more beautiful and inspired.  If you’ve found it difficult to focus on tasks lately, splurge on some flowers to keep on your desk or initiate the return of an in-person social event at work. You may find yourself in the right place at the right time to see how your daily contributions can make magic happen.

Any inspiration and divine guidance that comes to you mid-month is worth your consideration and could help you navigate your unfolding destiny. An eclipse on April 30th opens the door to receiving money from investments, venture capital, insurance policies or through your partner’s income. The presence of Venus in your sixth house suggests you will benefit from a spirit of compassion and service that seeks nothing in return.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)

A new moon in your sixth house opens an opportunity for you to move forward in your daily routines in ways that can restore your health and vital energy.  If you’re looking for alone time, take it now and make the most of it. 

Resist tension and frustration when something interferes or distracts you from your priorities on April 5th. Although you feel thwarted, there is change in the air.  Consider what is being asked of you and how to adapt your path. Then let go and trust that the universe has your back.

Mid-month may bring a new romantic partner into your life, which will leave you feeling love struck.  Enjoy the romantic vibes, but use restraint. The conditions are foggy and there are some tricky relationship patterns that you may start sorting out around the full moon on the 16th and on the partial solar eclipse in your opposite sign on April 30th.  Enjoy the new romance but do explore the reality of things before you commit and go all in.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)

Your fun-loving nature will be ready for the play and pleasure that presents itself with the new Moon in Aries and your fifth house on April 1.  If nothing comes your way, make it happen. Getting creative, enjoying your romantic partner, or having a dance party in your kitchen could be just the thing to bridge you into the “new normal.” 

Mid-month, your home and family life can be a source of happiness and luck.  With your natural inclination toward spirit and belief in a higher power, you will find the days around April 12th can open you up to a mystical experience. Stay curious about how to integrate that into your daily life and you’ll find the way paved on April 23rd when a message that aligns with your unfolding destiny may appear.

At the end of the month, pay attention to dreams and messages from the subtle dimension.  The partial solar eclipse in Taurus on the 30th introduces a new way of connecting to information that comes from universal source energy and you’re invited to learn how to access it. 

CAPRICORN (December 21-January 20)

Since 2007 you’ve probably experienced things that you never wished for or imagined, but that didn’t stop you from meeting those challenges, surviving them and becoming a better version of yourself.  If you look back at the person you used to be, there are parts of you that you wouldn’t have been able to change, and may not have been aware of wanting to change. You’re almost at the end of this trial known as Pluto transiting your sign, and if you’re still not sure how you will rise from these ashes, look to the new moon in Aries on April 1st to help you. 

This new moon is an opportunity to imagine yourself moving through the world with strength, courage and fearlessness.  What if you took all the experiences (welcome and unwelcome) that you’ve been through and fed them into the furnace that fuels you?  Any emotions, memories and nostalgia, when laid to rest on the road behind you can be used to bolster the ground you stand on. Knowing the landscape of that ground is one thing, but it’s quite another to feel confident enough to move across it consciously, without fear or regret. 

At the mid-month full moon, you’ll see how emotional power impacts your relationships and career. Open yourself to delving into your own motives and drives as well as those of the people in your life. 

The partial solar eclipse in Taurus will open new opportunities for fun and play.  Do things you love, not just what you have to do.  Pleasure and play are as essential as work responsibilities.  

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 18)

You easily adapt to technology, but consider for a moment how your life would be if you were free of your smart phone, laptop and other devices. What would you do instead? The new moon in Aries on April 1st opens the door to a renewed connection to your local environment; take advantage of it to push the boundary of independence that Aries fosters and consider what a digital detox would look like. With Neptune (the planet of dreams and illusions) transiting your second house since 2012, it’s possible you’ve not been diligent with the money you earn and hold. It might be difficult to bring attention to this area of your life, but there could be a big payoff in it. In mid-month, review your pay stubs and monthly bills.  See if there’s a hole in your money bucket.  

At month’s end, look for an opportunity to shift that pattern.  As a fixed sign, you may resist change because it requires energy to initiate something new, and sometimes it’s easier to sustain the status quo. The partial solar eclipse in Taurus on the 30th will kick off a series of eclipses that may have some of you uprooting yourself from your home or family, or divesting yourself of ancestral patterning.  

PISCES (February 19 – March 20) 

The new moon in Aries on April 1st is opening opportunities in your second house of money and possessions.  There is a strong connection between your self-esteem and the activities in this house; to be a Pisces is not just about being in service to others; you must also act on your own behalf. If service to self makes you feel uncomfortable or ashamed, you can heal this now. Since March, an abundance of planetary activity in your sign has had you enjoying a seemingly endless stream of creativity, imagination, and inspiration. If this has felt overwhelming, don’t worry. As we move through April, you can continue to enjoy these blessings but also see where there is opportunity to share them with others. That will help you to discharge some of that energy.  

Don’t just think about engaging in a creative process; act on it and channel it in a way to make it tangible. Even if you don’t sell the art you create, this is a practice that will translate into money and increased earning potential for you. Dates to watch around this process are April 12th, 18th and 27th. 

The partial solar eclipse emphasizes the theme of opening to your neighbourhood and invites you to step into it with fresh eyes. What used to be true of childhood friends, siblings, and your community is evolving and will benefit through contact with you, as an agent for something bigger.

Suzana Da Costa is a counselling astrologer and homeopath.  She has been a holistic health practitioner since 2016 and is a mentor for diploma program students at the Montreal Institute of Classical Homeopathy. She’s passionate about helping people step out of old patterns and discover how to connect with the larger energy patterns that move us.  She can be reached at suzana@heartstarhealing.com.

Photograph:Tamás Kása