A few inexpensive decorating tricks can give your home a fresh look and feel as we move into spring.
It’s here. The spring equinox stirs in us a desire for renewal and regeneration. We feel the urge to open windows and freshen the interiors of our homes with some decor sleight of hand. You needn’t spend a fortune though. Here are some cheap-and-cheerful changes you can make in your nest to welcome spring.
* As the botanical world reawakens, we can reflect its beauty indoors with floral-print and colourful cushions. Bonus: They can liven up a room’s decor for a modest outlay of money.

* Switching out heavy or dark-coloured drapes for sheer white curtains quickly lightens the appearance and vibe of a room, bringing in a summer feel.

* We’ve loved our warm, knitted throws on sofas and armchairs in the past few months, but they can now be stowed until next November. In their place, lightweight, colourful throws made of linen or cotton are excellent spring replacements.

* As night temperatures rise, that puffy duvet that kept you cozy all winter can be traded for lighter bedding. A blanket and lightweight bedspread can offer comfort during the transitional period that bridges winter and summer.

* Now is a good time to launder winter’s blankets. If you have a clothesline, dry them in the strong equinox sunlight. Bonus: They’ll smell wonderful.

* Refreshing your cushions and bedding might be the extent of your efforts right now. But if you’re feeling particularly ambitious and energetic, you may want to paint a room or two. A coat of paint is an easy and relatively economical way of freshening up a room for spring.

* Cut flowers create instant spring indoors. We can’t yet harvest our gardens, but florists and supermarkets can help with ready-made bouquets.

* It’s not yet time to don shorts and flip-flops but the strong March sun lures us outdoors. A garden chair on a deck or patio is an invitation to relax and inhale the spring air. A blanket over your knees will keep you warm while you enjoy the blissful feeling of sunshine on your face.