Eclipses influence our lives in the month ahead.

ARIES (March 21-April 20)

Expect a morale and energy boost to arrive and stay a while when Jupiter enters your sign on May 10.  If you’ve been paying attention to your mental health, this will usher in a period when you can gain insight and be guided by a deeper understanding of yourself and motivations. Use it to move toward a more fulfilling life.

The eclipses this month may signal a change in your earning potential as well as your spending or borrowing habits.  Use the boost from Jupiter in your sign to change your job if you can get better working conditions or a higher salary, but don’t let an expanded optimism lead you to take on more debt than necessary. 

If there is an unexpected reversal of an agreement or a delay in your plans, know that it’s part of a bigger picture that’s unfolding between now and June, and you can use that time to adjust to the bigger shifts that are happening on the money axis of your chart.

TAURUS (April 21-May 20)

On April 30, a partial solar eclipse helped you to adapt to the new normal. Consider that eclipse, as well as the one that follows on May 16, to be your personal invitation to a transformative process that you can tap into for the next year and a half.  Part of your metamorphosis should involve an exploration of your intuition and gut feelings. Over the next year, you’ll benefit from exploring parts of your psyche that may be limiting you from the security you seek.

A catalyst for this can happen early in the month when a plan or agreement regarding salary or other earnings is revised. This could be a plan that doesn’t come to fruition, but brings you a better opportunity. Or it could be that a situation you were about to invest in becomes less attractive.

Ask for guidance in your dreams. If you seek advice—including psychic guidance from another—be sure that you make decisions after checking in with yourself. It may take time but will be worth the investment and practice because this can bring you the confidence and certainty that can help you move forward.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)

This month, you have an opportunity to recognize how your subconscious beliefs are the bedrock of your life. You can cultivate this awareness to reshape the bridge between your past experiences and daily habits.

If you haven’t been prioritizing the limits and boundaries of your body, you may push those limits too far.  If most of your day is filled with mental chatter and the anxiety that follows, do undertake some meditative practices. Reining your mind into your physical body as a meditative practice will help you to reconnect with the source of inspiration and creativity.

Learning to maintain a calm mental space will prepare you to pivot when the fog around a career or position of responsibility starts to clear.  If you’ve been tempted to trust something that seems too good to be true, this could be the month when reality peeks through.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)

Because the moon is your ruler, you’ll be better positioned to use this month’s eclipses to your advantage. If you’ve been dreaming of a goal or wish, this month’s astrology can help you to bring it to fruition.

Look to a social group to bring you an unexpected opportunity at the beginning of the month. Soon after, you’ll feel prompted to move forward in an entrepreneurial endeavour. Take time to work out the details, and carefully revise negotiations that follow. This revision process will help you to get an agreement to realize something you’ve longed for. 

Mid-month, a lunar eclipse in the area of romance, fun and children can shake up your emotions, and can be a major step in your growth and maturity. If you’re in a relationship that isn’t serious, it may be time to commit or move on. If you’re not in a relationship, you could meet someone who brings you intensity that will help you discern who or what you want to commit to. Allowing yourself to move through these feelings without attachment or a goal will help you to build sustainable relationships in the long run.

LEO (July 23-August 22)

With the sun as your ruler, solar eclipses especially affect you, and with an eclipse series happening in the fixed signs for the next year and a half you’ll be prompted to make significant and lasting changes in your life.

The first eclipse, on April 30, will shake up your career, home or finances in a way that lets you get some extra breathing room, or will invite you to innovate or experiment in those areas. There is some support and an extra element of grace that comes with this eclipse, and could help you use the extra boost you’ll have when Jupiter enters Aries mid-month. Your creativity should have an outlet to be expressed.  Even if you’re not in a creative profession, there’s an opportunity for you to bring some ingenuity or freedom into your day.

A collaboration with a group of like-minded people can be an influence in this and it’s possible that a reunion after the past two years of distancing will have some effect on your professional goals.  If you’ve been thinking of expanding in the direction of publishing, education or spiritual studies, now is the time to consider and envision that.

VIRGO (August 23-September 21)

This month, you’ll be blessed with a gentle catalyst that can give you the insight you need to stand up for yourself or to re-negotiate boundaries with someone.  

If you’ve felt as if you’ve been giving too much or are not being recognized, this will be an opportunity for you to reclaim some of your agency and support your personal values. The transit of Neptune in your opposite sign since 2011 has likely brought you some disappointment in relationships, possibly even deception and outright betrayal.  While that kind of experience can be devastating, it is often the incentive we need to start putting ourselves first. There are still a few more years of Neptune in your opposite sign of Pisces. The astrological landscape is shifting to remind us that it will enter Aries in a few years, and that the blessings that Neptune in Pisces has brought are now unlocked and more available than ever.

If forgiveness is on your mind, embrace that notion. That act can be more powerful on the trajectory of your future than you might imagine.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

This month, an unexpected bonus, royalty or money that comes through your partner will affect your shared resources. Whatever it is, it will give you an opportunity to become closer to your partner. If you’ve been at odds or drifting apart, there can be an occasion to mend fences and rediscover shared values. 

It’s worthwhile to evaluate the values that guide you and establish boundaries that support those values. While you’re known to be a peacemaker, the road to lasting peace and harmony is built from a series of negotiations and compromises that both parties are willing to make because they recognize the value of the relationship.

Rise to the challenge of translating your philosophy of life from an idea or concept into what guides your actions. Uncomfortable feelings will be the signal that a boundary needs to be held or shifted.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21)

The eclipses this month might take you by surprise. As a fixed sign, you’re resistant to change but you’re probably not as bothered by external change as by a shift in your inner landscape. The reason is that you are usually thinking 10 steps ahead and can easily recover from a change at work or in your personal life.

It’s more difficult when your will or agency is no longer aligned with the reality of your life. This month, you’ll have the opportunity to make your life more fulfilling, forming a closer alignment between daily life and what is in your heart-mind. Allow yourself the vulnerability of feeling and allow that feeling to surface. Whether it’s through art, journaling or therapeutic dialogue, that which wants to rise to the surface in you will help you move along with the rhythm of life. While this doesn’t eliminate life’s challenges, it does ensure that our inner landscape doesn’t get cut off from the reality of our daily life.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)

This month, your ruler, Jupiter, will move into Aries, where it will activate your fifth house of children, play and romantic love.  You’ll find fulfilment in that area. And the eclipses will release you from a perceived sense of requirement or duty in a partnership or daily work responsibility.

While Jupiter has been traveling through your fourth house, you’ve probably seen some gains in regard to family or real estate. And while there may be a benefit to you in that area, the focus should now move toward the kind of pleasure to which you can abandon yourself.

This is also a great time to dedicate yourself to a new health practice. If you’re sedentary, get outside and get moving.  If you’re active, consider meditation to provide a container for your experiences. The portal is open for you to make lasting changes to your mental and physical health this month. 

CAPRICORN (December 21-January 20)

Revisit fun and play to find the best expression for the planetary activity this month.  The eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio over the next year and a half will bring a transformation to your definition of work and play. Be curious about what sparks your vital force. And if you want to unfasten an element of your professional and personal identity, consider first whether it brings you joy. 

Home life should be rich and rewarding, and real estate transactions can be lucrative.  It’s possible that you reconsider plans or detach from the perfection of plans being adopted by friends or associates. By the end of the month, this plan may be re-organized. Again, consider if the plan brings joy or ease to your daily activities. 

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 18)

Soon you will not feel as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders, partly because of the eclipses happening this month. As a fixed sign, you can’t avoid the shift that these eclipses are asking of you and you wouldn’t want to; they’re preparing you to unfasten yourself from expectations and burdens that come from a life you lived long ago.  

Another element in this long journey has been confusion or uncertainty over financial resources. At times, the tap may seem to run infinitely; at others, money may seem to disappear. By this time next year, any financial fuzziness will benefit from the skills you’ve acquired since 2020. You will know what you have and be willing and able to be accountable. These eclipses will be the catalyst for you to become the agent of your autonomy.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20) 

While most astrologers see the combination of Jupiter and Pisces in your sign as an eternal wellspring of positivity and hope, I sense that it hasn’t been all sunshine and roses for you.  This is because the energy required to sustain a portal of infinite possibilities is epic, and pushes the limits of ordinary human beings.

A major challenge to hosting Neptune in your own sign is that it presents elements that are nearly impossible to capture—dreams, big ideas and inspired stories—while simultaneously dissolving stories that keep that inspiration from rooting.  While under the influence of Neptune, all of these elements feel real; we are moved by them and let them move through us, but that’s not enough to anchor our inspiration into something that satisfies us. It can lead us to feel let down, as if the world around is just not enough anymore.

The good news is that if this has been your experience, then you’ll have a boost from the arrival of Jupiter in your second house of earned income.  This is the support you need to translate the inspiration delivered by the universe into the material realm and to keep that portal of infinite potential open.

Read about the Taurus season here.

Read about this month’s astrology here.

Suzana Da Costa is a counselling astrologer and homeopath.  She has been a holistic health practitioner since 2016 and is a mentor for diploma program students at the Montreal Institute of Classical Homeopathy. She’s passionate about helping people step out of old patterns of behaviour and discover how to align with the larger energy patterns that move us.  She can be reached at